Lesson 4

Measuring Mass

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Answers will vary. Make sure students have access to a calendar and the classroom clock or individual student clocks. Try to assign the DPP on the hour or half hour or use the demonstration clock to show a time on the hour or
half hour.

M. Weeks, Days, and Hours

  1. What day of the week is it today? _________________

    What is the date? _________________
  2. What day of the week will it be three weeks from now? _________________
  3. What day was it two weeks ago? _________________
  4. What will the date be 13 days from today? _________________
  5. What date was it 13 days ago? _________________
  6. What time is it now? _________________
  7. What time will it be 7 hours from now? _________________
  8. What time was it 7 hours ago? _________________