Lesson 5

Compute with Mass

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Encourage students to find more than one answer for Question 2.

  1. 85¢
  2. Possible responses:
    10 dimes, or $1
    9 dimes + 1 nickel, or 95¢
    8 dimes + 2 nickels, or 90¢
    7 dimes + 3 nickels, or 85¢
    6 dimes + 4 nickels, or 80¢

O. Money

Use a collection of coins to solve these problems.

  1. Sara has ten pennies, two quarters, three nickels, and a dime. How much money does she have?
  2. Roberto has ten coins. Each coin is either a dime or a nickel. He has more dimes than nickels. How many cents could Roberto have?