Lesson 5

Compute with Mass

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Use DPP item R to practice the addition facts in Group F and the related subtraction facts.

  1. Possible story: Sara collected 9 cents on Monday and 8 cents on Tuesday. How much money does Sara have?
  2. 17; Possible strategy: 8 + 8 = 16 so 8 + 9 is one more, or 17.
  3. Possible story: Diana has 17 balloons and sells 8 of them. How many does she have left?
  4. 9; Possible strategy: I thought about the number line. 17 − 7 = 10. I need to take one more away to subtract 8. So 17 − 8 is one less than 10, or 9.

Q. Story Problems

  1. Tell your neighbor a story about 9 + 8.
  2. Show or tell how to solve 9 + 8.

  3. Tell your neighbor a story about 17 − 8.
  4. Show or tell how to solve 17 − 8.