Lesson 5

Compute with Mass

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes
  1. No, Fern has more money.
  2. Fern’s coins are worth $1.10.
  3. Ben’s coins are worth 50¢.
  4. $1.60
  5. 32 coins

P. Fern and Ben

Use a collection of coins to solve these problems.

Fern’s little brother Ben says he has more money than Fern because he has more coins. Ben has 10 pennies and 8 nickels. Fern has 8 dimes and 6 nickels.

  1. Does Ben have more money than Fern?
  2. What are Fern’s coins worth?
  3. What are Ben’s coins worth?
  4. How much money do they have altogether?
  5. How many coins do they have altogether?