Lesson 6

Workshop: Multidigit Addition and Subtraction

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Have students share solutions. Have base-ten pieces readily available.

  1. image
    1. <
    2. =
    3. =
    4. Possible response: I used the Fewest Pieces Rule, so I traded 10 tens for a hundred and I had 8 hundreds, 3 tens, and 9 ones or 839. Both sides are equal.

X. Big Numbers

  1. Show the number with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule. Then write a number sentence using the expanded form.

  2. Write <, >, or = in the circle to make each statement true.
    1. 1999 image 999
    2. 1000 + 100 + 2 image 1102
    3. 7 hundreds, 13 tens, 9 ones image 839
    4. Show or tell how you solved Question C.