Lesson 1

First Names

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Review the movement of the hour hand on a clock demonstrating with a large teaching clock. Begin at the nearest hour, e.g., 9 o'clock. Discuss with students what happens with the hour hand as the minute hand moves from pointing directly at 12 (the hour hand points directly at the 9), to about quarter past (the hour hand is just past the 9), to the half hour (the hour hand is halfway between 9 and 10), and then to about 45 minutes past the hour (the hour hand is between 9 and 10, closer to 10).

Use the Clock Master to make Professor Peabody's broken clock. Using just the hour hand, show various times such as 3:30, 7:15, 8:00, and 8:45. Ask students to estimate the time and to explain their answer. For example, students may say that it is about 7:15 because the hour hand is between the 7 and 8 but closer to 8.

E. Broken Clock

Professor Peabody's clock is broken. The minute hand has fallen off. He says that he can tell time with just the hour hand. Your teacher will show you some times on Professor Peabody's clock. Decide the hour, then estimate the number of minutes past the hour.