Lesson 5

Workshop: Subtraction

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Ask a few students to share a problem and a solution strategy from the problems they solved in class today. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the strategies chosen for particular problems.

  • What strategies do you like the best?
  • Which strategy did you choose most often? Why?
  • When does it make sense to use a mental strategy? (Possible response: I like to use them to check my work.)
  • When does it make sense to use base-ten pieces? (Possible response: It is a good way to check a problem with a lot of trades.)
  • For which problems did you find counting strategies to be the best choice? (Problems where the numbers are close together or numbers can easily be broken up, like numbers with lots of zeros.)

Assign the Subtraction Quiz Assessment Master. Students will need the Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section or the copy in the Student Activity Book.