Lesson 6

Leonardo the Traveler

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Homework and Practice

  • Assign any unfinished questions on the Helping Leonardo the Traveler Solve Problems pages in the Student Activity Book.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 3 and 4. In Part 3, students practice using strategies to subtract multidigit numbers. In Part 4, students solve word problems involving time and money.

Home Practice Part 3 can be used to assess students' paper-and-pencil and mental math addition and subtraction skills, including estimating to see if their answers to addition problems are reasonable [E4, E5].

  • Assign DPP items S–T.

In Bit S, students apply subtraction strategies to find the largest difference.

Math Facts. Task T provides practice with problem solving using the Last Six Facts.

Remind students to take home their Subtraction Flash Cards to practice their subtraction facts in Groups 1–4.
