A dime store provides the setting for practicing addition and subtraction. The word problems offer opportunities to estimate, find exact answers, and check for accuracy.
Content in this Lesson
- Solving subtraction problems using base-ten pieces and number lines [E2].
- Subtracting multidigit numbers using mental math strategies and paper-and-pencil methods [E3, E4].
- Estimating differences using mental math strategies [E5].
- Choosing appropriate mental math estimation and paper-and-pencil methods to subtract whole numbers.
- Using mental math strategies to solve problems [MPE2].
- Using benchmarks to estimate [MPE2].
- Communicating mathematical reasoning [MPE5].
- Checking the reasonableness of the solution [MPE3].
Assessment in this Lesson
Assessment | Expectation Assessed | Math Practice Assessed |
Addition and Subtraction: Practice and Estimation |