Find a place to display a large monthly calendar for students to see and write on. As a daily routine, students will record their thinking on this calendar as they explore patterns in factors and multiples. See Unit 3 Lesson 5.
Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.
Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.
Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- counters or connecting cubes
- number lines
- base-ten pieces
- monthly calendar
- individual clocks
- Addition Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Subtraction Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Subtraction Flash Cards: Groups 1–4 (stored in an envelope)
- Subtraction Facts I Know
chart (from Lesson 1)
- Digit Cards 0–9
Master (from Lesson 8)
LESSON 1Time Again |
1 | Students practice telling time to the nearest minute. They also solve problems involving time measurements to the nearest minute. |
LESSON 2Field Trip |
2 | A trip to the Field Museum in Chicago serves as a context for solving subtraction problems using mental math strategies. Students develop strategies for multidigit subtraction problems in which they decompose numbers and sketch number lines. | |
LESSON 3Subtracting with Base-Ten Pieces |
2 | Students solve subtraction problems with base-ten pieces. The purpose is to help them develop a concrete understanding of the trading involved in subtraction in preparation for their work with a paper-and-pencil algorithm in the next lesson. |
LESSON 4Paper-and-Pencil Subtraction |
2–3 | In this lesson, students solve subtraction problems using paper-and-pencil methods. They begin by recording their work with base-ten pieces on base-ten recording sheets. Then they use the standard paper-and-pencil subtraction algorithm, the compact method, to solve problems. They check their work with addition. |
LESSON 5Workshop: Subtraction |
2 | This Workshop lesson allows students to choose from several problem sets to continue to develop and practice their strategies for solving multidigit subtraction problems. They build a subtraction strategy menu to compare the different strategies and begin to decide which strategies are more efficient for different types of problems. |
LESSON 6Leonardo the Traveler |
1 | Students review addition and subtraction strategies and partitioning numbers while learning about other representations of numbers (e.g., the abacus, Roman Numerals) through the story Leonardo the Traveler. This story is based on the life and discoveries of the famous Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci. |
LESSON 7Addition and Subtraction: Practice and Estimation |
1 | A dime store provides the setting for practicing addition and subtraction. The word problems offer opportunities to estimate, find exact answers, and check for accuracy. |
LESSON 8Class Party |
2 | Students work in pairs or a small group to determine what they would serve at a class party given a list of party items and their prices, the number of students in the class, and a spending limit. Students explain their choices and show how their plans meet the given criteria. |