Lesson 1

Time Again

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Ask students to share the strategies they used to solve Question 8 in the Passing Time section in the Student Guide.

  • How did you decide how long 130 minutes is in hours and minutes? (Possible response: I know that 60 minutes is 1 hour, so 120 minutes would be 2 hours. There would still be 10 minutes left to make 130 minutes, so 130 minutes is equal to 2 hours and 10 minutes.)
  • Time Mara using the demonstration clock. Show the time passing while Mara did homework. (First set the clock for 3:30. Then move the minute hand two times around the clock for two hours. The clock shows 5:30. Then move the minute hand 10 more minutes to show 5:40.)
  • What is another strategy you could use to find the time Mara finished her homework? (Count forward two hours from 3:30: 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, and then add 10 minutes to 5:30 to get 5:40.)

Encourage students to share and discuss all the strategies used.

Assign the More Time Assessment Master to be completed individually by students.

Use the More Time Assessment Master to assess students' abilities to write and tell time to the nearest minute [E7] and solve problems involving time measurements to the nearest minute [E6].
