Lemonade Stand
Est. Class Sessions: 2Homework and Practice
- Assign the Lemonade Stand Homework page in the Student Guide. Students use a chart to solve problems about the cost to make and sell lemonade.
- Assign DPP items A–D. In Bit C students solve a problem involving time.
- Task D can be assigned as a Problem of the Week.
- Assign Home Practice Parts 1–2. Part 2 provides review of the strategies used to solve multidigit addition and subtraction problems.
Math Facts. In Bit A students use their flash cards to assess their fluency with the multiplication facts for the square numbers. Task B asks students to write a multiplication story and in Task D students solve problems involving the multiplication facts for the square numbers. Home Practice Part 1 reminds students to take home their flash cards to practice the multiplication facts for the square numbers.