This unit continues the study of multiplication and division. Students encounter many types of problems and learn to use a graph and a data table as models. Students also learn how to use these models to solve problems and reason quantitatively. These concepts serve as a foundation for development of whole number computation with multiplication and division as well as fractions, and proportional reasoning.
Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit. | |
E1.* | Identify and extend multiplicative patterns represented in graphs, tables, and number lines. |
E2.* | Represent multiplicative patterns in tables, graphs, and number lines. |
E3. | Multiply and divide using mental math strategies (e.g., reasoning from known facts, repeated addition and subtraction). |
E4. | Represent solution strategies for problems involving multiplication (e.g., models, drawings, number lines, tables, number sentences, and graphs). |
E5. | Represent solution strategies for problems involving division including interpreting remainders (e.g., models, drawings, number lines, tables, number sentences, and graphs). |
E6.* | Make a point graph to model real-world situations. |
E7.* | Read a table or point graph to find information about a data set. |
E8.* | Measure to the nearest centimeter. |
E9.* | Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication facts for the square numbers. |
E10.* | Determine the unknown number in a multiplication and division sentence relating three whole numbers for the square numbers. |
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation |