The Daily Practice and Problems (DPP) is a set of short exercises that provides a structure for ongoing review and study of math concepts, skills, and math facts. To support this daily routine, at least two DPP items are included for each class session. The first item is always a Bit and the others will be either Tasks, Challenges, or Bits. Nine icons designate the subject matter of the DPP items.

Problem of the Week. Two DPP items that can serve as the Problem of the Week are identified for this unit. Problems of the Week will always be a Task or a Challenge. Having students work on one problem throughout the week allows time for them to reflect on the strategies they are developing. At the end of the week, students can share their strategies. The following DPP items in this unit can serve as Problems of the Week.
- Task D in Lesson 1
- Challenge P in Lesson 6
Unit 10 Daily Practice Problems A–X

Square Numbers B Story Solving C Counting by Half-Hours D Square Care E Multiplication: Square
Numbers F Time G Fact Families:
Square Numbers H Addition and Subtraction I Multiplication: Finding
Square Numbers J Boxes K Spot L Subtraction with Zero M Multiplication Table N How Many Times More? O Great Lake Depths P Squares Q Fractions on the Clock R Money Jar S Base-Ten Pieces T Largest and Smallest Sums U Multiplication Quiz:
Square Numbers V Fractions of a Whole Rectangle W Multiples on the Calendar X Addition and Subtraction
Practice DPP Teacher Notes
Students will need: a monthly calendar, individual clocks, base-ten pieces, coins, calculators, square-inch tiles, fraction circle pieces, Digit Cards 0–9,
Addition Strategies Menu,
Subtraction Strategies Menu,
Multiplication Facts I Know
and Triangle Flash Cards: Square Numbers
readily available.