Lesson 6

Walking Around Shapes

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


This DPP item can be used as a Problem of the Week. Use this DPP item to solve problems using the multiplication facts for square numbers.

  1. 1 square cm
  2. 4 square cm
  3. 9 square cm
  4. 16 square cm
  5. 25 square cm
  6. 36 square cm
  7. 49 square cm
  8. Possible response: When you make an array for the square numbers it forms a square because the number of rows is the same as the number of columns. An array for 8 × 8 will have 8 rows and 8 columns. 8 × 8 = 64.

8 × 8 = 64

P. Squares

Find the area of the squares.

  1. _______________

  2. _______________

  3. _______________

  4. _______________

  5. _______________
  1. What is the area of a 6 cm × 6 cm square?
  2. What is the area of a 7 cm × 7 cm square?
  3. Look at the areas found in Questions A–E. Why do we call these numbers square numbers? Give an example.