Walking Around Shapes
Est. Class Sessions: 3Developing the Lesson
Part 1. Self-Evaluation
Ask students to remove the Walking Around Shapes Practice Menu page from the Student Activity Book as you display the page. Ask them to recall the work they did in Lesson 5, Mr. Green's Giant Gumball Jamboree. Students will remember that they used patterns to complete a data table, read a data table and a point graph for information, and create a point graph.
Ask students to use the Self-Check in the table on the Walking Around Shapes Practice Menu to help them assess how they are doing with these Expectations. For each Expectation listed on the table, students should decide whether they could use some extra help (“Working On It”) or if they just need some more practice (“Getting It”). This will focus students' efforts throughout the lesson and help them target practice on their work to meet their individual needs.