Find a place to display a large monthly calendar for students to see and write on. As a daily routine, students will record their thinking on this calendar as they explore patterns in factors and multiples. See Unit 3 Lesson 5.

Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.

Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.

Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.

Make a set of Digit Cards 0–9. See the Materials Preparation for Lesson 6.

Provide each student copies of the Small Multiplication Table. See Unit 8 Lesson 5.

Prepare a collection of coins for Lesson 4 Money Jar. Each student will need 60 pennies, 50 dimes, and 25 nickels.

Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:



Lemonade Stand

2 Students use multiplication, division, and graphing to solve problems involving a recipe for lemonade. These graphing activities develop multiplicative reasoning.
  • rulers


Operations on a Number Line

1 Students revisit constant hoppers and number lines to solve problems that further their understanding of multiplication and the order of operations for addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
  • number lines


Birthday Party

2 In the context of a birthday party, students work in groups or pairs on a set of problems that can be solved using division. Students are introduced to division number sentences.
  • counters
  • number lines


Money Jar

1 Students solve a series of problems in which they divide money equally among the members of a family. They write number sentences to show their solutions.
  • collection of coins:
    60 pennies,
    50 dimes,
    25 nickels
  • calculators


Mr. Green's Giant Gumball Jamboree

1–2 Students use a variety of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems involving the cost of a gumball. They represent the costs on tables and graphs and then use these tools to solve problems. Students then use both multiplicative reasoning strategies and these tools to compare their solutions and check for reasonableness.
  • rulers
  • chart paper


Walking Around Shapes

3 Students discuss the difference between regular and irregular shapes. They measure regular shapes to the nearest centimeter and then look for the relationship between side length and perimeter. A variety of tools and strategies are used to solve perimeter problems including making point graphs, using mental math to multiply and divide, and using patterns in data tables, graphs, and number sentences.
  • centimeter ruler


Katie's Job

2 In this lesson, students use patterns in graphs to solve problems involving multiplication and division, then use other solution strategies to check their work.
  • centimeter ruler