Lesson 1

Look around You and Count

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Developing the Lesson

Introduce the Data Table. Tell students you are going to share a counting poem with them called "Look around You." They will be counting items in the poem and in the classroom. Display the Objects in Our Room data table you prepared. See Materials Preparation and Figure 1. Introduce the data table as a helpful tool on which the data you collect can be recorded and organized. Point out the title of the data table, Objects in Our Room. Point out the headings for each column: Object, Tallies, and Number Counted. Explain that tally marks are a quick way of keeping track of numbers. One mark stands for one object. When there are four marks, the fifth number is shown by drawing a diagonal line across the first four marks.

Read and Discuss the Poem. Look around You is a poem in the Adventure Book. Present it in the same way you would any rhyming book. Each verse poses a counting question that should be answered when it is asked. Give students time to count, discuss, and agree on their answers. One possibility is to point to the objects on the page while the class counts aloud. Another is to have one or two students do the activity the poem describes as the rest of the class counts. Or, to better assess individual students, ask volunteers to demonstrate how they count. Read each page aloud and use the corresponding discussion prompts to guide the lesson:

Page 3

  • How many windows are in the classroom in the picture? (2 windows)
  • How many windows are in our classroom?

Point to each window with a pointer or a meterstick as the class counts aloud. If your classroom door has a window, count it as well.

Collect and Record Counting Data. Record the number of windows counted with tallies and ask a student to write the number on the data table. A completed sample table is shown in Figure 2.


Observe students during the discussion of the Look around You poem in the Adventure Book to assess their abilities to count a collection of 0–20 objects [E1]. Keep these questions in mind while students are working:

  • Do students count by ones or by twos?
  • Are students able to identify the quantity of a small group of objects without counting?
  • Are students able to count on from a certain number?

Record your observations on the Unit 1 Assessment Record.

Page 4

  • Are there enough chairs in the picture for the students in our class? (Responses may vary.)
  • How can we find out? (Possible response: We could count the desks in the picture and compare this with the number of students in our class to see if there are enough chairs for every student to sit in one.)

Listen to all proposed methods and decide through discussion which ones to attempt. One way is to have a student point to each chair while the class counts aloud. Give students time to count and agree on their answers. This will likely involve numbers beyond ten and is a good opportunity to discover how high some individuals can count.

Have students count the number of chairs in the picture. Some students may count by ones and some may count by twos. Display this number so that they will remember it. This will not be recorded on the data table because it does not pertain to your classroom. Have students count the number of students in the classroom and record it on the data table and also near the displayed number of chairs as shown in Figure 3. Compare the two numbers, making sure students make the connection between the symbols representing each number and the actual items. Point to the numbers on the classroom number line.

To check the answer, call out the names of students as you or the students point to each chair in the picture. As a student's name is called that student may raise his or her hand. If every student's name has been called, then enough chairs are in the picture to seat the class.

Compare Numbers Using More or Less. Allow students to share their strategies for finding the answers to the following questions. Some may help you determine whether students use a counting-on strategy.

  • How do you know if you have more of one thing than another? (Responses will vary. Possible response: You can think about how many of each item. For example, if I was sharing candy and I had more pieces of candy my than brother, I would have extra candy. I have more pieces of candy than my brother.)
  • How do you know if you have less of one thing than another? (Responses will vary. Possible response: If I had a box of 8 markers and a box of 24 crayons in my desk, I have less markers than crayons. There aren't as many markers as crayons.)
  • Are there more or less chairs in the picture than students in our class?
  • If there are more chairs than students, how many chairs in the picture would be empty?
  • If there are less chairs than students, how many more chairs would we need for our class?
  • How many chairs are in our classroom? (Answers will vary. Record this information on the data table.)
  • How many more students can join our class before we run out of chairs? How can we find out? (Possible response: We could all sit in a chair and then count the empty ones. That would tell us how many extra chairs we have for extra students.)
  • Does anyone have another way to find out? (Possible response: We could start from the number of students we have and count on until we reach the number of chairs we have. The number in between the two numbers tells how many more students we can seat.)

Page 5

  • How many pencils are in the cup in the picture?
    (4 pencils)

Show students the cup you have filled with pencils.

  • How many pencils are in my cup?

Record the number of pencils on the data table. You may wish to fill several cups, each with a different number of pencils and ask individual students to demonstrate counting the pencils.

Page 6

  • What is a fair way to count the number of steps it takes to walk across the room? (Possible responses: I should take the same size step. I should start at the same spot and end at the same spot. I should walk in a straight line.)

Make Predictions. Try to determine what a typical step (not a big step; not a little step) would look like. Use the steps of the boy in the picture to help guide your discussion. Students may decide to take steps that are heel to toe, heel to toe. Once you choose the step size, remind students to keep it the same when counting. One student may take steps across the room while the rest of the class counts, or the class can take the steps and count together. Record this information on the data table displayed.

  • Do you think it would take more or less giant steps than regular steps to cross the room? Why? (Possible response: It would take less giant steps because they are bigger. You don't have to take as many of them to get across the room.)
  • What do you do when you predict? (You take a good guess.)
  • Predict how many giant steps it would take to cross the room. Write that number down.

Before students take giant steps, ask them to write their predictions down on a small piece of paper. Write your own prediction down without showing the students. Have students count the actual number of giant steps and write that number next to their prediction. Repeat the same process you used before when counting typical-size steps. One student may take steps across the room while the rest of the class counts, or the class can take the steps and count together. Record this information on the data table.

Use the Number Line to Compare. Show the class your prediction for the number of giant steps. Find this number on the class number line. Then find the actual number of giant steps on the number line. Explain to students how you can use the number line to determine if your actual number was more or less than your predicted number.

Ask students to compare their predictions to the actual results. Have them refer to the number line as needed to check their predictions. Ask a volunteer to find his or her predicted number and the actual number on the number line.

  • Was the actual number of giant steps more or less than you predicted?
  • Do you think it would take more or less tiptoe steps than giant steps to cross the room? Explain why. (Possible response: It would take more tiptoe steps than giant steps because tiptoe steps are tiny. You would need to take a lot of them to cross the room.)
  • Which do you predict would take more steps: to travel from the back of the room to the front or to walk from side to side?

Ask students to consider the data they collected when they took normal-size steps across the room. The class can make a prediction of which takes more steps and then count the actual number of steps to compare. Remind students to again use normal-size steps so that they can make an accurate comparison.

Page 8

At the end of the poem, students are invited to look around for other objects to count, but first refer to the objects in the picture. This is a good opportunity to assess whether students are able to identify the quantity of a small group of objects without counting.

  • How many apples are in the picture? (2 apples)
  • How many marbles are in the picture? (4 marbles)
  • What can you say about the number of marbles compared to the number of apples? (There are more marbles than apples.)
  • What can you say about the number of pencils and the number of marbles? (Possible responses: There are four of each. There is the same amount of each item.)
  • Are there more pencils or crayons? How many more? (There are 2 more pencils than crayons.)
  • Show or tell how you know. (Possible response: There are 1, 2, 3, 4 pencils and just 1, 2 crayons. 4 is more than 2.)
Completed sample data table
Comparing the number of chairs in the poem to the number of students