Lesson 1

Look around You and Count

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Count More Classroom Objects. To conclude the lesson, ask students to suggest a few additional classroom items to count such as doors, tables, com-puters, boys, or girls. See Figure 2. Suggest an object such as a snowman that is not in the room so that you can enter zero in the table. Ask students to count the objects, and to share their strategies for counting. Record the tally marks and ask volunteers to write the numbers in the table.

When the data table is complete, ask students to read it for information.

  • Which object did we have the most of?
  • Which object did we have none of?
  • What is the name for the number that shows we have none of that object? (zero)
  • Were there more [plants] or [tables]?
  • Were there less [girls] or [boys]?
  • Fill in the blanks: There are more _____ than _____ in our classroom.
  • There are less _____ than _____ in our classroom.
  • There are about the same number of _____ as _____ in our classroom.
Completed sample data table