Lesson 6

Weather 1: Eye on the Sky

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

  • Do you think our data would be the same if we collected information in February? In July? Why? (Answers will vary.)
  • Do you think our data would be the same if we collected information in this month of next year? (probably similar)
  • If eighth-graders collected data for this month, just as we did, what would their graph look like? Why? (Possible response: It would look like ours because we are looking at the same sky.)
  • Is your grade important in determining the weather? Is where you live important? The time of year? (no; yes; yes)
  • Are sky conditions the same everywhere? (no)
  • If someone took a trip and recorded weekend weather conditions, could their data be different from our data? Why? (Possible response: Their weather data could be very different from the data we collect here. Weather is different in different places.)
  • Were there more Sundays or Mondays in the month?
  • How many [full/partial] weeks were there in this month?
  • How many weekend days were there?
  • Were there less weekend days or weekdays? (weekend days)