Lesson 4

Counting on the Number Line

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Writing Numbers on Number Lines.

Display and direct students' attention to the Writing Numbers for Number Lines pages.

  • How are the number lines on this page like the ones in our classroom and how are they different? (Possible responses: There are evenly spaced marks, and there are arrows at both ends, but they are missing a lot of numbers.)
  • Show how you can count on the number line on this page. (Answers will vary based on number line chosen. Students should show how the numbers match with the marks on the number line and say the numbers that are missing.)
  • Do all of these number lines start at 0? (No, some start at 10 or at 5, for example.)
  • How is that like counting on? (Possible response: When the number line starts at 10, it is like counting on because I don't start back at the beginning at 0 when I count. I start at 10 and count on 11, 12, 13.)

Demonstrate how to write the numbers on the lines below the marks on the number line for students as needed. Remind students that they can use the number lines on their desks as an example. Assign the pages for students to complete individually.


Use Writing Numbers for Number Lines to assess students' abilities to read and write numbers to 20 [E5] and represent numbers on a number line [E7].
