Lesson 4

Counting on the Number Line

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 3: Counting On with Math Hoppers

Tell students that special creatures called math hoppers live on number lines. These creatures hop from point to point. Ask students to place their fingers on the 0 point on the number line on their desks and pretend that their fingers are math hoppers. Demonstrate counting from 0 to 20 using your finger (or a pointer) as a math hopper and moving it from point to point on the class number line as you count aloud as a class. Have a student volunteer become a math hopper and move from point to point on the class number line as the class counts.

Count backwards from 10 to 0 and from 20 to 0. Have students use their fingers to move from point to point on their number lines and ask a student to move from point to point on the class number line.

  • A math hopper starts at 2 and hops forward 3 more units. Where does it land? (on 5; Students begin with their fingers at 2 on the number line and "hop" three units to 5. Have a student demonstrate the same procedure using the class number line. See Figure 4.)
  • A math hopper starts at 5 and hops straight up and down, so that it lands at 5. How far did it go?(0 units)
  • A math hopper starts at 14 and hops forward 0 units. Where does it land? (14)

Display and direct students' attention to the Math Hoppers pages. Complete additional examples together as a class as needed. Assign the remaining problems to student pairs to provide practice counting on using math hoppers on number lines.

A math hopper starts at 2 and hops forward 3 units