Lesson 5

Comparing and Ordering

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Have the 200 Chart readily available.

  1. Discuss with students what "about" means. Some possible answers are 60 and 9, 60 and 12, 59 and 12, 43 and 28, 54 and 12.

  2. 35 and 54, 59 and 28, 60 and 28

  3. 60 and 59, 60 and 54, 60 and 43, 59 and 54, 59 and 43

  4. Students' strategies will vary. Possible strategy: If both numbers are larger than 50, then I knew the answer would be more than 100. Then I looked to see if the numbers were close to 50 and estimated.

Q. Which Two

  1. Which two numbers below will add up to about 70?

  2. Which two numbers will add up to about 90?

  3. Which pairs will give a sum greater than 100? DPPQ

  4. Show or tell how you solved Question 3.