Lesson 3


Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Discuss possible growth patterns for other double worms. Have student pairs select a double worm from the following list:

  • Two-Eyed Double Worm that has 2 squares at birth
  • Four-Eyed Double Worm that has 4 squares at birth
  • Six-Eyed Double Worm that has 6 squares at birth

Students should include the following information in their problems:

  • Draw a picture showing how many squares their creature has at birth.
  • Draw a picture showing how many squares it has after a year.
  • Draw a picture showing how many squares it has after two years.
  • Create a data table showing growth up to 5 years.
  • Write 1–2 questions about the growth of the double worm.

Upon completion, have student pairs present their drawings and ask the class to solve the problems about their double worm.

Make a bulletin board display of the various double worms, data tables, and questions created by students. Encourage students to refer to the Planet Gzorp Master to create other Gzorp creatures with different growth patterns.