Lesson 1

Counting Kids

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Collect and Represent Data

Collect Survey Data in a Line Plot. Explain to students that their individual data needs to be combined as data for the whole class. Give each student a self-adhesive note to record his or her name and the number of kids in his or her family. As students finish, ask them to place their self-adhesive note above the appropriate number on the line plot you prepared. See Materials Preparation. See Figure 3 for a sample line plot.

  • How many families are shown on the line plot? How do you know?
  • Does that match the number of students in the class?
  • How many kids are represented on our line plot? How do you know?
  • Why doesn’t this match the number of self-adhesive notes?
  • According to our data, what is the most common number of kids in a human family?

Line Plots and Bar Graphs. Line plots are used to represent frequency distribution (how often something happens). Line plots work well for small amounts of data but become cumbersome for larger data sets. A bar graph can also be used to represent frequency with the added advantage of a vertical axis to make it easier to analyze larger sets of data.

Graph Data. Review with students how a line plot and a bar graph are similar and different. Then discuss how they could transfer the data from the class line plot to a graph. Students should recognize that both have a horizontal axis but the line plot does not have a vertical axis. Display Betty’s graph from the “Armadillo Families” story in the Adventure Book.

  • How did Betty label the horizontal axis on her graph? (number of pups)
  • What is the smallest number of pups in her data? (Possible response: 0 pup or 2 pups)
  • What is the smallest number of kids in our class data? (Possible response: 1 kid)
  • Based on our class data, could we have zero kids in a family? (Possible response: No, since each of the students is a kid, each family in the class data will have at least one kid.)
  • What if you do a survey asking all the people in the school to count the number of kids in their house, would zero make sense? (Possible response: Yes, [Mrs. Johnson] does not have any kids in her house.)

You may need to explain that “Number of Kids” goes on the horizontal axis because they know the values of that variable ahead of time and “Number of Families” goes on the vertical axis because that is what they found out. This scientific convention makes it easier for scientists to communicate with each other.

  • How did Betty number the vertical axis? (She counted by 2s.)
  • Why didn’t she count by ones? (Possible response: There is too much data. If she counted by ones there would not have been enough room on her paper for all the data.)
  • How should you number the vertical axis on your graph? (Possible responses: by 2s because there are more than 10 families with 2 kids; or by 1s because none of our bars will go higher than 10)

Have students make a bar graph on the graph paper in the Graph section of the Counting Kids pages in the Student Activity Book. The bar graph should look very similar to the line plot. See Figure 4 for a sample graph.

  • How did you scale the vertical axis?
  • What is the smallest number of kids in a family?
  • What is the largest number of kids in a family?

Explore Data. As students complete the graph, direct them to work with a partner to complete Questions 5 – 11 in the Explore section of the Counting Kids pages. As students are working, identify students to share their solution strategies to each question during a class discussion. When most students have completed these questions, review and discuss solutions by asking the identified students to share their solutions.

  • How did you determine the range of the number of kids? (The first bar is above 1 and the last bar is above 7 so the range of kids in our families is one to seven.)
  • What does the range tell us about the families in our class? (It tells us that one kid is the smallest number of children in some of our families and seven is the most number of kids in some of our families.)
  • How did you decide what is the most common number of kids in a family? (The tallest bar tells us what number of kids is most common; that’s 3 kids for our class.)
  • How is that different from the range of the number of kids in a family in our class? (Most common means most of our families have 3 kids. Range is all the numbers of kids a family in our class might have from smallest to greatest number of kids.)
Sample line plot of survey results
Graph showing the number of kids in 30 families