Students investigate doubles and halves with function machines and model growth patterns by identifying, describing, and using patterns to make predictions.

Use this list of Expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Identify and extend patterns represented in numbers and in geometric patterns.
E2 Represent patterns and functions using words and tables.
E3 Describe the location of an object relative to an origin using direction and distance.
E4 Measure length using nonstandard and standard units.
E5 Make a table, bar graph, or line plot to find information about a data set.
E6 Read a table, bar graph, or line plot to find information about a data set.
E7 Make predictions and generalizations using patterns in tables and graphs.
E8* Demonstrate fluency with the subtraction facts related to the addition facts in Groups A–F.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation