Lesson 4

Meet Mr. Origin

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Mathematical Standards

Measure and estimate lengths in standard units. (2.MD.A.1)
Represent and interpret data. (2.MD.D.9, 2.MD.D.10)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Reason quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.

Students use the manipulative Mr. Origin to describe the location of objects with directional descriptors: right, left, front, and back. They first play “Mr. Origin Says,” a variation of the game “Simon Says” in which they position Mr. Origin relative to various classroom objects. Students then describe the location of objects along the horizontal axis by measuring the distance and describing the direction they are from the origin or from each other.

Content in this Lesson

  • Describing the location of objects relative to Mr. Origin using directions (left and right) and distance on a horizontal axis [E3].
  • Locating objects on a map using directions (left and right) and distance [E3].
  • Measuring length in centimeters [E4].
  • Making a table to find information about a data set [E5].
  • Solving word problems (e.g., compare) involving length.

Daily Practice and Problems M–N

M. Coin Jar

N. Rule Machine


Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Student

Prepared Mr. Origin from the Mr. Origin Master (Teacher Guide)

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Look at Mr. Origin and the Cup Master (Teacher Guide)
Display of Mr. Origin’s Map (Student Activity Book) Page 805
Display of Mr. Origin’s Data Table (Student Activity Book) Page 807
Unit 4 Assessment Record
Mr. Origin
prepared display of Mr. Origin’s Map. See Materials Preparation.
2 centimeter rulers
pattern blocks (1 each: hexagon, blue rhombus, square, triangle)
chart paper

Materials Preparation

Prepare Mr. Origin. Copy the Mr. Origin Master on heavy paper or card stock so you will have one Mr. Origin for each student. Cut apart, fold, and tape the front and back together so each Mr. Origin stands.

Create Mr. Origin’s Map. Make a model of Mr. Origin’s Map illustrated on the Mr. Origin’s Map page in the Student Activity Book. See Figure 1. Tape two centimeter rulers to a piece of chart paper or display for the axis. Place a prepared Mr. Origin and the four pattern blocks (hexagon, blue rhombus, square, triangle) along the axis of the model.

Figure 1: Mr. Origin’s Map


On some Mr. Origins, the right hand is larger than the left hand; on others, he is wearing a mitten. If you feel the right hand on your Mr. Origin is not distinct enough, place some tape on the right hand.

Assessment in this Lesson

Where Are They
Student Activity Book
Pages 809–812
Describe the location of an object relative to an origin using direction and distance.
Measure length using nonstandard and standard units.
Make a table, bar graph, or line plot to find information about a data set.