Students find the area of shapes with straight and curvy sides. Many of these shapes involve putting pieces of units together as well as counting whole units. Students then apply this measurement skill as they analyze and create different shapes with the same area. Students also find the area of curvy shapes to determine which paper towel brand would hold the most water. They further extend this concept to solve a ghost mystery by comparing characteristics of footprints. Students also review how to measure and write time to the nearest five minutes.

Use this list of Expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Recognize that different shapes can have the same area.
E2* Solve problems involving time measurements to the nearest five minutes.
E3* Find the area of shapes with straight or curved sides by counting square units.
E4* Write and tell time to the nearest five minutes.
E5 Make a scaled bar graph using numerical data.
E6 Read a table and graph to find information about a data set.
E7 Find the median of a data set.
E8 Make predictions and generalizations about a data set using data tables, graphs, and diagrams.
E9* Use mental math strategies to subtract, including using doubles and thinking addition, for the facts in Groups 7 and 8.
E10* Determine the unknown number in an addition or subtraction sentence relating three whole numbers for the facts in Groups 7 and 8.
E11 Use fact strategies, drawings, and number sentences to solve word problems involving multiplication facts for the square numbers.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation