Lesson 4

Which Picks Up More?

Est. Class Sessions: 4–5

Summarizing the Lesson

Now ask student groups to discuss and answer Question 16. Students should use all the models and data gathered in this lab to support their decision. Identify a few student groups to share their decision and reasoning with the rest of the class.

After comparing the Area of Spot and the Number of Drops graphs, students will likely decide that the brand with the smallest spots is the most absorbent and therefore the better picker-upper. Some students may still argue that the larger sheet of paper towel will pick up more water. Students can disagree. They just need to be able to justify their decisions with data.

Distribute and assign the Lori's Questions Assessment Master.

Use the Lori's Questions Assessment Master with Feedback Box to assess students' progress toward the following Expectations:

  • Find the area of a shape with curved sides [E3].
  • Read a graph and table to find information [E6].
  • Make predictions and generalizations about a data set using tables, graphs, and diagrams [E8].
  • Know the problem [MPE1].
  • Find a strategy [MPE2].
  • Show my work [MPE5].
  • Use labels [MPE6].