Lesson 1

Time to the Nearest Five Minutes

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Mathematical Standards

Solve problems involving measurement and estimation. (3.MD.A.1)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.

This lesson begins with a review of telling time to the nearest five minutes using the hour hand. In the second part of this lesson students explore the relationship of the movement of the hour hand with the movement of the minute hand, telling time to the nearest five minutes. Students solve problems involving elapsed time.

Content in this Lesson

  • Reading an analog clock.
  • Telling time to the nearest five minutes [E4].
  • Comparing movement of the minute and hour hands on the clock.
  • Solving problems involving time measurements to the nearest five minutes [E2].

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students

individual clock

Materials for Teachers

Demonstration clock or display of the Teaching Clock page (Student Guide) Reference
Display of Hours in a Day (Student Activity Book) page 135
Display of prepared Clock Number Line Master (Teacher Guide) page 70
Unit 5 Assessment Record
Math Facts Class Record

Material Preparation

Prepare the Clock Number Line. Use the Clock Number Line Master in the Teacher Guide to prepare a number line from 0 to 60 that will wrap around the large teaching clock so that the 0 and 60 will overlap. Cut out each of the number line segments. Tape or glue the segments together by overlapping the left edge of each segment with the gray end tab on the right side of the previous segment. See Figure 1 for an image of a completed Clock Number Line.

Figure 1: Completed Clock Number Line

Prepare Practice with Clocks. If needed, prepare the Practice with Clocks Master in the Teacher Guide. Use the following suggestions to provide specific targeted practice:

  • To practice telling time using the hour hand, draw the hour hand on each clock. Ask students to estimate the time shown on each clock face.
  • To practice telling and writing time to the nearest five minutes, draw the hour and minute hands on each clock. Ask students to write the time shown on each clock face.
  • To practice finding the elapsed time, list various activities for each pair of clocks. Draw hands on each clock in the first column to show the start time of each activity. Then draw hands on each clock in the second column to show the ending time. Ask students to find the elapsed time.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed

Broken Clocks
Check-In: Questions 7–12
Student Activity Book
Page 138

Write and tell time to the nearest five minutes.

Time and Time Again
with Feedback Box
Teacher Guide - digital

Solve problems involving time measurements to the nearest five minutes.
Write and tell time to the nearest five minutes.

DPP Item A
Subtraction Flash Cards: Groups 7 and 8
Teacher Guide - digital

Use mental math strategies to subtract, including using doubles and thinking addition, for the facts in Groups 7 and 8.