Lesson 3

Boo the Blob

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Challenge students to draw a Boo the Blob as a different shape by assigning Check-In: Questions 5–9 in the Student Activity Book. Organize students to work in groups of three. In Question 7, students trade papers with two other classmates to check the measurements of each of the Boo the Blobs. Display the list you made earlier when discussing Math Practices Expectations 5 and 6. Remind students to use this list as they write a response to Question 9.

After students have completed their responses to Question 9, ask them to post their Boo pictures on the board in one of two categories: “Boo” or “Not Boo.” Ask students to look at all the shapes that are in the “Boo” category.

  • What is the same about all these shapes? (They all have an area of 20 square centimeters.)
  • What is different about all these shapes? (They are different shapes.)

Ask students to look at the shapes that are in the “Not Boo” category.

  • Why are these shapes not Boo the Blob? (They do not have an area of 20 square centimeters.)

Assign the Name the Blob page in the Student Activity Book for homework or put the activity in a learning center.

Use Check-In: Questions 5–9 to assess students' abilities to recognize that different shapes can have the same area [E1]; find the area of shapes with straight or curved sides [E3]; find the median of a data set [E7]; show work [MPE5]; and use labels [MPE6].

Place the Name the Blob pages from the Student Activity Book in a learning center or assign them as homework to provide targeted practice with recognizing that different shapes can have the same area. Ask students to disguise Boo in a variety of shapes.
