Lesson 8

Class Party

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Remind students to use the Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Reference section of the Student Guide.

Student strategies will vary. Have base-ten pieces and other math tools readily available.

  1. Possible strategy: Using base-ten pieces

  2. Possible strategy: Paper-and-pencil

  3. Possible strategy: Counting up: I started on 4997 and counted up, 4998, 4999, 5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007. I had to count up 10.
  4. I count up from 4997.

    4997 + 3 = 5000

    5000 + 7 = 5007

    3 + 7 = 10

X. Subtraction

Solve the following problems. Choose your method. Use the Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Reference section.

  1. Explain a way to do Question D in your head.