Lesson 2

Perimeter vs. Length Lab

Est. Class Sessions: 4

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. Could be: 80 inches is the same as 6 ft. 8 in. and is about the length of two metersticks.
  2. Crazy: A movie screen is much longer.
  3. Could be: A 12-inch ruler is about 30 cm. A large teddy bear could have an arm span that long.
  4. Could be: 38 inches is about a foot shorter than the arm span of a fourth-grader. 38 inches is about a meter long. Really enormous teddy bears are sold in some toy stores. However, this measurement would be “crazy” for most teddy bears.

G. Could Be or Crazy?

Decide whether each measurement is a “could be” or “crazy” measurement. Explain how you decided.

  1. A professional basketball player is about 80 inches tall.
  2. A movie screen in a theater is 3 meters long.
  3. The arm span of a teddy bear is 38 cm long.
  4. The arm span of a teddy bear is 38 inches long.