Lesson 2

Perimeter vs. Length Lab

Est. Class Sessions: 4

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. 5 square centimeters
  2. 5 square centimeters
  3. 10 centimeters
  4. 12 centimeters
  5. Check students' sketches. The area should be 5 sq cm.

If the students correctly drew their shapes with squares touching edge-to-edge, the perimeters will be 10 cm or 12 cm. There are 12 possible shapes that can be made using 5 sq cm. As a challenge, have students find all 12 possible shapes. Display Centimeter Grid Paper for the class. Ask volunteers to draw the shapes they found. The remaining ten solutions are shown below.

Ongoing Assessment

Use DPP item J to assess students' abilities to find the area [E7] and perimeter [E6] of a polygon and make shapes with a given area [E5].

The Lesson 3 workshop provides targeted practice.

J. Area and Perimeter

Be sure to include the unit of measurement in your answers.

  1. What is the area of Shape A?

  2. What is the area of Shape B?

  1. What is the perimeter of Shape A? _______________
  2. What is the perimeter of Shape B? _______________
  3. Sketch a third shape with the same area as Shape A. Then, find its perimeter.