Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.

Gather 40 connecting cubes for each student. (See Lesson 1 Materials.)

Students will need the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:



Inventing Ways to Divide

1 Students invent strategies to solve open-response problems involving whole-number division. They develop their own methods using manipulatives and paper and pencil to divide three-digit numbers by a single-digit number.
  • connecting cubes
  • chart paper
  • markers


Using Mental Math to Divide

1 Students use their knowledge of division facts to mentally solve division problems with multiples of ten. They model division situations as multiplication problems and vice versa. Students then use the connection between division and multiplication to solve division problems with single-digit divisors using mental math strategies.
  • calculators


Modeling Division

2 Students develop conceptual models and flexible strategies for division by single-digit divisors. They explore two conceptual models for solving division problems: a column model and a rectangle model. These methods build on the estimation strategies developed in the previous lesson. They also build a foundational understanding for the partial quotients method presented in Lesson 6.  


Estimating Quotients

1 Students use the connection between division and multiplication to estimate answers to division problems with single-digit divisors. These estimation skills help students estimate answers quickly and provide skills for learning the partial quotients method of division in a later lesson.
  • calculators


Workshop: Division Concepts

1–2 Students play a game that provides practice estimating quotients. Based on their progress developing division concepts and procedures, students practice dividing multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers using models to solidify their understanding. Students have opportunities to practice using multiplication to solve division problems.
  • calculators
  • 40 connecting cubes
  • envelopes
  • scissors


Paper-and-Pencil Division

2–3 This lesson introduces a paper-and-pencil method of division called the partial quotients method. Students build on the methods and models they learned in Lessons 3 and 4 to develop the procedures in the partial quotients method. They continue to estimate quotients and interpret remainders.
  • calculators
  • small multiplication tables or Facts I Know charts
  • scissors
  • envelopes