Lesson 5

Workshop: Division Concepts

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Mathematical Standards

Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. (4.NBT.A.1, 4.NBT.A.3)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (4.NBT.B.6)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason quantitatively.

Students play a game that provides practice estimating quotients. Based on their development of division concepts and procedures, students practice dividing multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers using models to solidify their understanding. Students have opportunities to practice using multiplication to solve division problems.

Content in this Lesson

  • Solving division problems with 1-digit divisions using the column method [E1].
  • Solving division problems with 1-digit divisions using a rectangle area model [E1].
  • Using connections between multiplication and division to solve division problems [E3].
  • Estimating quotients for division of multidigit numbers by 1-digit divisors [E5].
  • Dividing numbers that are multiples of ten [E6].

Daily Practice and Problems K–L

K. Writing Division Stories

L. Solving Problems


Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students

40 connecting cubes

Materials for the Teacher

Unit 12 Assessment Record
1 set Quotient Quest Digit Cards (Student Activity Book) Page 517
1 set Quotient Quest Game Cards (Student Activity Book) Page 519

Materials Preparation

Prepare Materials for Quotient Quest. Students will play the game Quotient Quest to practice estimation skills with division. Have students cut out the Quotient Quest Game Cards and the Quotient Quest Digit Cards in the Student Activity Book. Store cards in envelopes. You will need one set of each for demonstration.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed

Quotient Quest
Student Activity Book
Pages 513–519

Estimate quotients for division of multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

Moving Ahead with Divison
Self-Check: Questions 1–2, 15–16, 22–23
Student Activity Book
Pages 521, 528, 531–532

Demonstrate understanding of division of multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers using models.
Show connections between multiplication and division (e.g., fact families, using multiplication to divide).
Divide numbers that are multiples of ten.

Vocabulary in this Lesson