Lesson 2

Marshmallows and Containers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 3: Graph the Data

Show a display of the graph in Question 5 on the Marshmallows and Containers pages. Ask students to help you fill in the title and labels on the graph as they follow along on their own graphs.

Point out the vertical axis on the display.

  • Describe how it is labeled. (Some of the tens are missing.)
  • How should you label the axes? (Count by tens for the vertical axis, Number of Marhmallows, and write the names of the three containers on the horizontal axis.)

Write the title, the units, and the container names in the appropriate blanks on the graph. Fill in the missing numbers along the graph's vertical axis. Instruct students to do the same and to graph the data. See Figure 3.

Use the Marshmallows and Containers pages with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to estimate a quantity [E4]; solve addition and subtraction word problems involving volume [E8]; measure volume of containers using nonstandard units [E10]; read and write numbers [E5]; and make and read a data table and bar graph to find information, make predictions, and make generalizations about a data set [E11, E12, E13].

Sample student graph including labels and data