Lesson 6

Joe the Goldfish

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


    1. 2:45
    2. Possible response: I set my small clock to 12:30 and then I moved the minute hand two times around the clock for two hours and then another 15 minutes. When I finished the clock read 2:45.
    1. 12:40
    2. 1 hour 20 minutes
    3. Possible response: First I set my little clock to 12:30 and then I moved the minute hand 10 minutes to show they got to the park at 12:40. I moved the minute hand forward 20 minutes until it was 1:00. I know that from 1:00 to 2:00 is one hour. So they were at the park 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Ongoing Assessment

Use DPP item T to assess students' ability to solve problems involving time intervals of five minutes. [E2]

T. Passing Time

    1. Jason and his brother went to the park to play. They were there for 2 hours and 15 minutes. If they arrived at the park at 12:30, what time did they leave?
    2. Show or tell how you solved this problem.
    1. Ann and her friend also went to the park. They arrived 10 minutes after Jason and his brother. What time did they get to the park?
    2. Ann and her friend left the park at 2:00. How long did they stay at the park?
    3. Show or tell how you solved this problem.