Lesson 7

Using Number Sense at the Book Sale

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Use this item to practice and develop mental strategies for the multiplication facts for the square numbers.

Encourage students to share their stories with the class. Possible response:

I have a photo album with 9 pages. There are spaces for 9 pictures on each page. How many pictures can I put in my album?

9 × 9 = 81

Ongoing Assessment

Use DPP item V to assess students' ability to use fact strategies, drawings, and number sentences to solve problems involving multiplication facts for the square numbers. [E11]

See the Letter Home for targeted practice.

V. More Story Solving

9 × 9 = ? Write a story and draw a picture about 9 × 9.

Write a number sentence about your picture.

Number sentence: ______________________________