Teacher Notes
Students begin a review of each of the Subtraction Fact Groups. Have students work with a partner to sort their Subtraction Flash Cards: Groups 3 and 4 and update their Subtraction Facts I Know charts. The flash cards for Groups 3 and 4 were distributed in Unit 2. Masters for the flash cards for all groups are also included in Unit 6, if needed. Students should take their flash cards home to practice with a family member.
Remind students that they can use strategies like using tens or thinking addition to help them learn the subtraction facts in Groups 3 and 4.
Bit Y is a quiz on the subtraction facts in Groups 1–4
Ongoing Assessment
Use DPP item G as a self-assessment of students' abilities to use mental math strategies to subtract for the facts in Groups 3 and 4 [E8].
See the Letter Home for suggestions for targeted practice.
G. Subtraction Facts: Groups 3 and 4
With a partner, use your Subtraction Flash Cards to quiz each other on the subtraction facts for Groups 3 and 4. Separate the used cards into three piles: Facts I Know Quickly, Facts I Can Figure Out, and Facts I Need to Learn. Practice the last two piles again and make a list of facts you need to practice at home for homework.
Circle the facts you know quickly on your Subtraction Facts I Know chart.