Lesson 3

Subtracting with Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


After students have written down their answers, let them discuss their strategies, as well as their answers, in groups or as a class.

  1. 918
  2. 898
  3. 1008
  4. 808
  5. Possible response: 450
  6. Possible response: 1800
  7. 108
  8. 1018
  9. 480
  10. Answers will vary. Possible response: I used a base-ten hopper to add 908 + 110.

H. The Number 908

  1. 10 more than 908 is ________.
  2. 10 less than 908 is ________.
  3. 100 more than 908 is ________.
  4. 100 less than 908 is ________.
  5. About half of 908 is ________.
  6. About twice 908 is ________.
  7. 800 + = 908 ________.
  8. 908 is 110 less than ________.
  9. 980 = 500 + ________.
  10. Show your strategy for Question H.