Lesson 1

Strategies for Subtraction Facts

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Use the Subtraction Facts I Know chart to discuss some of the patterns on the chart.

  • What happens to the top numbers in each row as you read across from left to right? (They increase by one.)
  • What happens to the top numbers in each column as you read down from top to bottom? (They increase by one.)
  • What do you notice about the numbers you subtract in each row? (In each row, the number you subtract is the same.)

Explain that the Subtraction Facts I Know chart includes some subtraction facts with zero that are not on the Triangle Flash Cards. Discuss strategies for facts with zero.

  • What do you know about subtracting zero from a number? (The number does not change because you are taking away nothing.)
  • Look at the first column. What do you notice about the facts? (They all have zero for an answer. When you subtract two of the same numbers the answer is zero.)
  • If any number minus zero is that same number, what is 6 − 0? 9 − 0? 21 − 0?
  • If any number subtracted from itself is zero, what is 7 − 7? 10 − 10? 34 − 34?

Have students circle the facts in the first row and first column if they understand the strategies for subtracting zero and subtracting any number from itself.