Lesson 2

Subtraction Seminar

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Develop Strategies for Subtraction Problems

Conduct a Subtraction Strategy Session. Begin the lesson by telling students they are going to have a “strategy session” similar to the one for developing addition strategies for larger numbers. Students will begin by looking at the problems on the Subtraction Strategy Session page in the Student Activity Book and discussing ways to solve each of the problems.

  • Discuss with your partner different strategies you can use to solve each of the subtraction problems on the page.
  • Think of strategies that are efficient for each problem. Depending on the problem, try to think of strategies that are more efficient than counting up or counting back.
  • If you use tools such as the number line, 200 Chart, base-ten pieces, or connecting cubes, explain how you use those tools to solve the problem.

Once student pairs have discussed strategies for solving each problem, have them select two of the subtraction problems and record their solution strategies on the page. Explain that for each problem, they should show or tell how they solved it and not just name the tool they used. If students finish early, encourage them to think of more than one way to solve each problem.

Select one problem at a time and ask student volunteers to demonstrate how they solved the problem. Have the prepared Number Line Display, the 200 Chart, base-ten pieces, and connecting cubes available for students to use as they describe their subtraction strategies.

  • Who can explain a strategy for solving the problem 100 − 3? (Possible response: I started at 100 and counted back 3: 99, 98, 97. The answer is 97.)
  • Did someone solve it another way? (Possible response: I wrote 1 hundred: 100. I had to exchange the hundred for 10 tens, so I could take away 3 ones. I took 3 away from one of the tens and that left 7. I had 9 tens and 7 ones and that’s equal to 97.)

Develop Subtraction Strategies Chart. Once a student has explained a strategy, identify it with that student’s name and record the strategy on the Subtraction Strategies Chart. See Materials Preparation. As you continue discussing strategies for other problems, ask students to solve the problem using one of the named strategies on the chart. See Figure 1 for a sample list of strategies.

Leave the Subtraction Strategies Chart posted for the rest of the unit.

  • Which strategies do you think are the easiest to use? Why?
  • Which strategies are the hardest to use? Why?
  • Could you use different strategies for different problems?
  • Is there a strategy you don’t understand?
  • Which strategies are the most efficient? Does it depend on the problem?

Help students to understand that a strategy that is efficient for one problem can be inefficient for another. For example, using counting back by ones is an efficient strategy for 100 − 3, but it is not an efficient strategy for 52 − 49.

Math Trailblazers offers a range of strategies for students to use in order to develop flexible thinking and strong number sense. For some students a range of strategies to choose from can be overwhelming. Students may not be able to select s strategy that is efficient for a particular problem and may give up instead. It is not necessary that every student be equally fluent with every strategy. It may be helpful to narrow the range to two or three strategies. Help students select strategies that connect to their strengths and encourage them to choose from those strategies when solving problems.

Some students may simply be reluctant to abandon known strategies, such as using counters to count all or count up. However, these strategies are cumbersome and laborious for two-digit addition and subtraction and are more likely to lead to mistakes. At this point, students should be moving on to more efficient strategies. Help students by selecting a specific strategy that is understandable to them and ask them to practice solving problems using that strategy. Once they become comfortable with that strategy, they may respond to encouragement to try another.

Sample chart of invented strategies for solving problems on the Subtraction Strategies Session page