Lesson 6

Paper-and-Pencil Subtraction: Compact Method

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Recording Subtraction on the Base-Ten Recording Sheet

Subtraction with No Trades. Introduce the lesson by having students solve a problem with no trades such as 46 – 14. Ask students to solve the problem using base-ten pieces and the expanded form notation. Have a student volunteer demonstrate the solution to the problem.

Next explain that you will show another way to record the solution with paper and pencil. Use the display of the Base-Ten Recording Sheet Master to demonstrate the same subtraction problem using base-ten pieces and the paper-and-pencil compact method. Have students represent the problem simultaneously on the Base-Ten Recording Sheet page in the Student Activity Book.

  • What pieces did [student name] use to show the number 46? (4 skinnies and 6 bits)
  • Place the base-ten pieces on your desk to show the number 46.
  • Then write the number of skinnies in the tens column and the number of bits in the ones column on the Base-Ten Recording Sheet.

Demonstrate by placing 4 skinnies and 6 bits on the display of the Base-Ten Recording Sheet. Then write 4 in the tens column and 6 in the ones column as in Figure 1.

On the next line of the table, write “ – 14” to indicate that you will take 14 away from 46 and have students do the same on their recording sheet. Draw a line underneath.

  • How many bits does this say you should take
    (4 bits)
  • How many bits do you have left? (2 bits)
  • Write 2 in the ones column under the 4 to show that.
  • What do you need to take away next? (one skinny or one ten)
  • How many skinnies do you have left? (3 skinnies)
  • Where should you write the answer? (in the tens column—under the one)

Record the solution for the problem as shown in Figure 2.

  • How many base-ten pieces are left for the
    (three skinnies and 2 bits or 32)
  • What do the 3 skinnies represent? (3 tens or 30)
  • What do the 2 bits represent? (2 ones or 2)

Subtraction with Trades. Next solve a problem that involves trading such as 46 − 27. Use the display of the Base-Ten Recording Sheet Master to demonstrate the problem as you guide students to demonstrate the problem on the recording sheet in the Student Activity Book. See Figure 3. Write 46 − 27 on the display.

  • What base-ten pieces do you use to represent
    (4 skinnies and 6 bits)

Place the base-ten pieces on the recording sheet as students do the same on their recording sheets.

  • How many ones does this say you should take away? (7 ones)
  • Is it possible to take 7 bits away from 6 bits? (No, there aren’t enough.)
  • What should you do? (Possible response: You can trade 1 skinny for 10 bits.)
  • Add the 10 bits to the 6 that were there. How many bits do you have now? (16 bits)
  • To show that you have 16 bits now, cross out the 6 in the ones column and change it to 16.
  • How many skinnies do you have now? (3 skinnies)
  • Since you took 1 skinny from the 4 skinnies, cross out the 4 in the tens column and write 3.
  • Is 3 skinnies and 16 bits the same as 4 skinnies and 6 bits? (Yes. We traded one skinny for 10 bits but all the pieces still add to 46.)
  • Do you have enough bits now to take away 7 bits? (yes)
  • What is 16 – 7? (9)
  • Now subtract 3 skinnies – 2 skinnies.
  • How many tens or skinnies do you have
    (1 skinny)
  • What is the answer? (Possible response: I have
    1 skinny and 9 bits. That’s 19.)

Have students model a problem such as 253 – 117.

  • What base-ten pieces do you use to represent 253? (2 flats, 5 skinnies, and 6 bits)

Place the base-ten pieces on the recording sheet as students do the same on their recording sheets.

  • How many ones does this say you should take away? (7 ones)
  • Is it possible to take 7 bits away from 3 bits? (No, there aren’t enough.)
  • What should you do? (Possible response: You can trade 1 skinny for 10 bits.)
  • Add the 10 bits to the 3 that were there. How many bits do you have now? (13 bits)
  • To show that you have 13 bits now, cross out the 3 in the ones column and change it to 13.
  • How many skinnies do you have now? (4 skinnies)
  • Since you took 1 skinny from the 5 skinnies, cross out the 5 in the tens column and write 4.
  • Is 2 flats, 5 skinnies, and 3 bits the same as 2 flats, 4 skinnies, and 13 bits? (Yes. We traded one skinny for 10 bits but all the pieces still add to 253.)
  • Do you have enough bits now to take away 7 bits? (Yes.)
  • What is 13 − 7? (6)
  • Now subtract 4 skinnies − 1 skinny.
  • How many tens or skinnies do you have
    (3 skinnies)
  • Subtract 2 flats − 1 flat. What is the answer? (1 flat)
  • What is the answer? (136)

Ask students to solve a problem such as 83 – 57 that requires trades, but do not ask them to use base-ten pieces to model
it—instead ask them to imagine they have base-ten pieces. See Figure 4. Begin by writing the problem on the display of the Base-Ten Recording Sheet.

  • If you used base-ten pieces to solve this problem, how many skinnies and bits would you start with and how many do you need to take away? (Possible response: You would start with 8 skinnies and 3 bits and you need to take away 5 skinnies and 7 bits.)
  • Is it possible to take 7 bits away from 3 bits? (No, you have to trade.)
  • Imagine the trade in your head. What will
    you do?
  • What did you think in your heads? What did you trade? (1 skinny for 10 bits)
  • If you trade one of the skinnies for 10 bits, how many bits do you have? (You have 10 bits plus 3 bits. That’s 13 bits.)
  • Let’s write that down. I’ll cross out the 3 bits and write 13 in the ones column. That shows the 13 bits.
  • Do you still have 8 skinnies? (No. We took away one skinny when we traded. So now we only have 7 skinnies.)
  • How do you show that? (Possible response: Cross out the 8 in the tens column and write a 7 for 7 tens.)
  • Is 7 tens and 13 ones the same as 8 tens and 3 ones? (Yes. You changed the number of bits and skinnies but they add up to the same number. 8 tens and 3 ones is the same as 7 tens and 13 ones. They are both 83.)
  • Finish the problem. Look at the ones column. What is 13 – 7? (6)
  • Look at the tens column. What is 7 – 5? (2)
  • What is the answer? (26)

Pose a few more problems that involve trades with three-digit numbers involving only one trade such as 243 – 128 and explain how it is similar to subtracting a two-digit minus a two-digit number but with hundreds. Have students solve them on their Base-Ten Recording Sheet. As you discuss the problems, ask students to imagine base-ten pieces.

If students have difficulty understanding how to solve a three-digit minus a three-digit problem, cover the hundreds column and point out that students could solve the problem as a two-digit minus a two-digit problem and then subtract the hundreds. If the trade is in the hundreds column, cover the hundreds and tens columns and have students subtract in the ones column and then go on to making trades from the hundreds column to the tens column.

After the class has solved several problems, ask students to solve the problems on the Subtraction on Recording Sheets pages in the Student Activity Book. As students work on the problems at their desks, ask individual students to explain the procedure for solving the problem and to relate their thinking to base-ten pieces.

If students have difficulty imagining the base-ten pieces as they solve the problems using the compact method, have base-ten pieces available until they develop an understanding of how the compact method relates to the base-ten pieces.

Recording Trades with the Compact Method. Have students solve more subtraction problems, but do not use the recording sheets. Write a problem on a display such as 74 − 36. Guide students as they solve the problem.

  • For this problem, there are no labels for the columns and lines to separate the tens and ones. Which column is the ones column and which is the tens column? (Possible response: The ones column is on the right and the tens column is next to the ones column to the left.)

Solve the problem together using the same procedure as before but without the recording sheet or base-ten pieces as shown in Figure 5.

  • Let’s start with the ones column. Which column is that? (the column on the right)
  • Is it possible to take 6 away from 4? (no)
  • If you solved it with base-ten pieces, what would you do? (Trade a skinny for 10 bits.)
  • If you trade a skinny for 10 bits, how many skinnies and bits will you have? (6 skinnies and 14 bits)
  • How can you record that? (Cross out the 7 in the tens column and make it 6. Then cross out the 4 in the ones column and make it 14.)
  • Now finish the problem by subtracting 14 – 6 in the ones column and 6 – 3 in the tens column.
  • Is 38 a reasonable answer? (Possible response: Yes. I used friendly numbers. 74 – 36 is about the same
    as 75 – 35 or 40 and 40 is close to 38.)

Have students complete the Compact Subtraction page in the Student Activity Book. Upon completion, ask student volunteers to explain their solutions to the class. Encourage the class to ask questions about the way the problems are recorded and to check the answers to make sure they are reasonable.

Modeling 46
Recording 46 − 14 = 32
Modeling the trade in the problem 46 − 27
Solving 83 − 57
Solving 74 − 36