Lesson 5

Using Coordinate Maps

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Discuss solution strategies. Students will need 12-inch rulers.

  1. Line B
  2. 5 inches; Possible responses: 7 − 2 = 5; 2 + 5 = 7
  3. Line D
  4. Yes, Line C; Possible response: I know 2 doubled is 4 and Line C is
    4 inches long.

O. Comparing Lines

Measure the lengths of each line to the nearest inch. Write the measurement on the line.

  1. Which line is longest? _____________________
  2. How much shorter is Line A than Line B? __________________

    Number sentence ____________________________________
  3. Which line is triple the length of Line A? ___________________
  4. Is any line twice as long as Line A? How do you know?