Lesson 4

Which Picks Up More?

Est. Class Sessions: 4–5

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Use this DPP item to prepare students to make a scaled bar graph in Lesson 4.

The rest of the medians, from top to bottom, are 11, 4, and 5.

Students will find the median values for data collected in Lesson 3 Boo the Blob. You may wish to use this item before students collect the data for that activity.

In Unit 1, students made bar graphs using guidelines. In this Task, students use a grid without guidelines. Remind students to draw their bars on the lines and not the spaces. We use this convention to ease the transition from making a bar graph to making a point graph.

N. Averaging Data

Julie looked at a large package of colored candies. She took samples and counted the number of candies of each color.

  1. Find the median number of candies for each color. The first one is done for you.

  1. Graph the median number of candies for each color.