Students use multiple representations and real-world contexts to support their development of the concepts related to fractions. Students start by representing fractions as part of a set with circle pieces, then fraction strips, drawings, and as points on a number line. Tasks focus on fractions that are easily represented with these models to develop number sense and the ability to visualize fractional parts. Students then make connections and translate between these representations to compare, order, and find equivalent fractions.

Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Represent fractions using objects, area models (e.g., circle pieces, fraction strips, drawings) and number lines.
E2* Use words and numbers to name fractions.
E3* Recognize that fractional parts of a unit whole may be different shapes but must be the same size.
E4* Recognize that the same fractional parts of different-size unit wholes are not equal.
E5* Identify a fractional part of a set.
E6* Partition a shape by a given unit fraction.
E7* Identify the unit whole given a fractional part of a whole.
E8* Make connections among representations of fractions including symbols, words, area models, and number lines.
E9 Find equivalent fractions using models (e.g., circle pieces, fraction strips, number lines, drawings).
E10 Compare and order fractions using area models, number lines, and one-half as a benchmark.
E11* Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication facts for the 2s and 3s.
E12* Determine the unknown number in multiplication and division sentences relating three whole numbers for the 2s and 3s.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation