Find a place to display a large monthly calendar for students to see and write on. As a daily routine, students will record their thinking on this calendar as they explore patterns in factors and multiples. See Unit 3 Lesson 5.

Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.

Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.

Provide each student copies of the Small Multiplication Table. See Unit 8 Lesson 5.

Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.

Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:



Kid Fractions

1 A group of students stands at the front of the class while the teacher presents a fraction based on some characteristic of the group. The rest of the class tries to determine what characteristic of the group the teacher has in mind. Discussion focuses on the relationship between the part and the whole and the meaning of the numerator and denominator.
  • chart paper


Circle Pieces: Red, Pink, Yellow, Blue

3 Student explore circle pieces used to represent fractions and develop fraction concepts.
  • sets of fraction circle pieces: red, pink, yellow, blue
  • chart paper


Circle Pieces: Red, Pink, Orange, Aqua

2–3 Students continue to explore circle pieces used to represent fractions and to develop fraction concepts.
  • sets of fraction circle pieces: red, pink, orange, aqua
  • Fraction Names chart from Lesson 2


Folding Fractions

2 Students fold uniform strips of paper into equal parts to show halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths, labeling each part according to the fraction it represents. Then they organize their fraction strips into a chart and use it to find equivalent fractions and to compare and order fractions according to size. Finally, they locate fractions on the number line.
  • scissors
  • crayons or colored pencils
  • ruler
  • blank paper
  • tape or glue
  • envelopes


Circles, Fraction Strips, and Number Lines

1 Students represent fractions using circle pieces, fraction strips, drawings, number lines, words, and symbols. Students make connections between these representations as well.
  • sets of fraction circle pieces: red, pink, orange, yellow, aqua, blue
  • Fraction Chart from Lesson 4


Comparing Fractions

2 Students use circle pieces to understand that dividing the unit whole into a greater number of equal parts results in smaller parts. Students use manipulatives and number lines to categorize fractions as those that are less than, equal to, or more than one-half using one-half as a benchmark for comparing fractions.
  • sets of fraction circle pieces: red, pink, orange, yellow, aqua, blue
  • game markers
  • clear plastic spinner or pencil and paper clip
  • chart paper


Workshop: Fractions

2 While reading “The Clever Tailor” story, students explore the meaning of different-size unit wholes. This lesson provides targeted practice with representing fractions and the concepts related to fractions. Students will also revisit the Fraction Hex Game from Lesson 6.
  • fraction circle pieces: red, pink, orange, yellow, aqua, blue
  • fraction strips
  • counters or connecting cubes
  • plain paper
  • counters in two different colors