- Assign DPP items M–P. Challenge P can be assigned as a Problem of the Week. Students are asked to make predictions about the moves of a constant hopper.
Math Facts. In Bit M, Task N, and Bit O, students explore strategies for solving the multiplication facts for the 3s.
- Assign the Homework section of the Student Guide. Students will need their Fraction Charts or the Fraction Chart in the Reference section of the Student Guide.
Tell students that they will need to use Math Practice Expectations 2 and 5 on the Math Practices page in the Reference section of the Student Guide as they complete Question 8.
- What tools or strategies do you think you can use as you solve these questions? (You can use fraction circles or the fraction chart.)
- In Question 8, you are going to explain how you found your answer. What do you need to include in your answer so someone else will know what you are thinking? (You need to use words and labels to show how you solved the question. You can also use drawings to help show your thinking.)
Use Check-In: Questions 6–8 in the Folding Fractions Homework section in the Student Guide and the corresponding Feedback Box Master to assess students' abilities to find equivalent fractions [E9]; compare and order fractions using fraction strips [E10]; and recognize that fractional parts of a unit whole must be equal size [E3].
Check-In: Question 8 can also be used to assess students on the following Math Practice Expectations:
- MPE2.
- Find a strategy. I choose good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem.
- MPE5.
- Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking.