Students represent fractions using circle pieces, fraction strips, drawings, number lines, words, and symbols. Students make connections between these representations as well.
Content in this Lesson
- Representing fractions using manipulatives, number lines, and drawings [E1].
- Representing fractions using words and numbers [E2].
- Recognizing that fractional parts of a unit whole may be different shapes but must be the same size [E3].
- Identifying a fractional part of a set [E5].
- Partitioning circles and strips into given fractions [E6].
- Identifying the unit whole when given a fractional part of a whole [E7].
- Making connections among representations of fractions including symbols, words, drawings, fraction strips, and number lines [E8].
- Comparing fraction models [E10].
Assessment in this Lesson
Assessment | Expectation Assessed |
Many Ways to Show a Fraction |
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